City Plans Panel - Thursday 16 July 2020, 1:30pm - Leeds City Council Webcasting
City Plans Panel
Thursday, 16th July 2020 at 1:30pm
In relation to applications 20/02048/FU and 20/01996/LI we will be showing a Youtube video – if you are unable to watch this please click this link
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
9 Application No.17/02594/OT - Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access, for the creation of a new community comprising up to 800 dwellings, a food store (A1) (up to 372 sq.m), primary school and public open spaces at Land off Racecourse Approach, Wetherby, LS22.
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Agenda item :
8 Application 20/02048/FU - Demolition of existing structures, the construction of a new cafe and a cycle hub; a new taxi rank; public realm enhancement works including hard and soft landscaping; improvements to the cycle, pedestrian and multi-modal interchange arrangements and the installation of new access lift at Bishopgate Street, New Station Street and Mill Goit, Neville Street, and Dark Neville Street, Leeds City Centre and Listed Building Application 20/01996/LI for the demolition of an existing section of wall and the construction of a replacement wall, which will be built into an existing listed wall at Bishopgate Street, New Station Street, Leeds.
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